Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dollars & Sense: Homemade Cleaner

You know the saying... "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" Well, I would suggest you make a homecleaner instead! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a cold glass of lemonade. And I never really understood the whole negative connotation associated with lemons. Our Creator made them and I think they are delightful. But I digress! I use lemon juice as part of a really simple, all natural, save-me-a-lot-of-money, homemade cleaning solution. Now, I am going to come completely clean, I am not a shining example of Proverbs 31-ness. My hubby will attest to that! But as I aspire to grow in my role as keeper-of -the home, I am learning some really cool things. While I do not delight in cleaning (I am still a work in progress), I am thrilled with this "recipe" and would like to share it with you. Drum roll, please...

3 tablespoons of lemon juice

1 cup of water

1 cup of vinegar

That's it. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy! No poison. No fumes. So economical. How great is that? I put it in a spray bottle that I purchased at a dollar store. I used a permanent black marker to write "General Purpose Cleaner" and then I printed the "recipe" on the bottle as well. This way the kids can't conveniently forget how to make it when the bottle is low. ;0) Now, I will admit that I have yet to squeeze my own lemons to provide the juice. I use the bottled lemon juice and the kitchen counters don't seem to mind.

Be sure to come back and visit for more homeade cleaning product ideas!

P.S. Thanks to my husband for encouragement in my quest to become a Proverbs 31 women and for finding this recipe. (((Hugs)))

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