Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Word-filled Wednesday: Teach me!

I found this photo posted on Photobucket and wanted to share its beauty. The scripture verse resonated with me and this picture stirred my soul. How wonderful that our Heavenly Father desires to teach us His ways and lead us in His truths. He will direct or paths and provide the light as we make our way! Truly, He is our salvation and is with us each step of the way on our journey. Oh, that I may have a teachable spirit, Adonai, and that I would rejoice in your truths! Enable me to endure in faith and walk daily with you.

"Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long."   Psalm 25: 4-5 ESV
Be sure to visit today's WFW host, Susan at Forever His for more inspirational verses and photos.
Also, find additional encouragement at The 160 Acre Woods with Amydeanne ~ the home of Word-Filled Wednesday

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Always and Forever

Always and forever. Our Lord promises that if you belong to Him, He will never leave nor forsake you. He is a promise-keeper. A covenant God. I find so much comfort in who He is and the promises he makes to His children. While life's circumstances are constantly changing, there is one thing that always remains the same - God's character and His Word. Yesterday, today and forever, God is the Unchanging One. Unlike me, He is not fickle, or wavering, or inconsistent. He does not leave a trail of broken promises. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end... and everything in between. He is always there. His love is perfect, complete and eternal. As we repent and put our faith in Him, we enter into the most beautiful of covenants. He gave His life for us. He is our redemption, our hope, our Saviour. This is the ultimate love story. Forever and always.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Melodic Monday: Emmanuel ~ God with Us

Servant's Heart Sunday: Birthday Blessings

RUSTY & RALPH BOWERS Pictures, Images and Photos

Last week we celebrated the birth and life of my eldest daughter. As my husband and I reminisced and recalled fond memories, we marvelled at how quickly our little girl has transformed into a young woman. We rejoiced and celebrated this child that God has entrusted into our care. While we have not been perfect parents, God has. His grace has abounded and has been sufficient, even when my husband and I fell short. She is precious in the Lord's sight and in ours! While we have had some bumps and hiccups as we navigate through these teenage years, I see evidence of our Lord's amazing love and grace as it transforms my daughter into a godly young woman. I was so touched as she made her handmade party invitations requesting that her friends forego bringing a birthday gift and instead consider making a monetary donation to a local mom of 5 (and expecting another baby this summer) who was recently widowed as her young husband died unexpectedly. I am encouraged that my sweet girl chose to use the occasion of her birthday as an opportunity to bless others. My other kiddos have done this as well in previous years. I always leave it up to them. I want it to come from their heart and for them to give sacrificially to the ministry, cause or family that they feel God is directing them to. As followers of Christ we have been blessed with new life that is not simply counted in years or candles on a cake... but is eternal and infinite. My hope is that our family will continue to share God's love and message consistently, each year, each month, each week and each day.

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who is God?

Who is God to you? God is so many things. So many facets. Impossible to comprehend and know completely while earthbound. But as we seek Him and begin to truly know Him, I imagine we each relate a little differently to Him. I love that He is my King and my Lord... and that I am a daughter grafted in by my Heavenly Father, my Kinsman-Redeemer! He is a rock. My strength. Adonai, is my refuge and strong tower. To me... He is the Unchanging One. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. A covenant keeper, who has promised to never leave or forsake me. He is my shepherd and my protector. Full of love, grace and mercy. He is my God. And He is glorious and worthy of my praise!
"On God my salvaton and my glory rest; the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God." Psalm 62:7
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe" Proverbs 18:10
"For God is my stronghold" Psalm 59:9
He is so beautiful to behold! Anyone who has known me for a long time might find it funny (maybe both ~ funny=odd and funny=how ironic) that this is how I view God and relate to Him most intimately. You see I used to be quite the feminist. Very insistent that I was independent and in control. What a relief it was when I stopped trying to play God and surrendered to the Lord of Lord and King of Kings. His created order and plan is so wonderful. My hope is that I will be a faithful servant and handmaiden of the Lord. Who is God? He is my Creator and my Saviour. My beginning and my end. He is my everything.

A link to the song Strong Tower

A Place of Refuge

Today's Word-Filled Wednesday is being hosted by Lori over at

Monday, February 8, 2010

What's in a Name?

Greetings to my sweet sisters in Christ! I am so glad you stopped by because I want to tell you about a bible study that will bless you! This is a 10-week online study written by Jenifer at By His Grace Ministry. The study is being hosted on one of my favorite websites, At the Well. The study will take us on a journey to discover the attributes and character of God as revealed through His names! I am so excited about this study and hope you will be too!! When I first began studying the Word of God, I simply knew the Lord as God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Through various bible studies and ministries, I discovered that God shares many different names for Himself throughout the Old Testament. I also learned that as the Hebrew manuscripts were translated into English, these names were simply translated as God or Lord in most cases. Now don't misunderstand, God heard my prayers, my cries, my pleas when I simply knew Him as Lord and He loved me just the same. But now, as I call on Him in His various Hebrew names, I am drawn closer as He reveals Himself more and more. I am comforted by these names. I am convicted by them. I am inexplicably awed by them. They resonate in my spirit as they speak the truth of who and what He is!
Did you also know that in the Hebrew tradition, names were so important? They would describe something about the individual and often times would almost be prophetic in nature regarding the life of the individual. My name, Carol, means song of joy. Oh, how I desire for the meaning of my name to be lived out consistently in my life! I long to fully know the joy of the Lord and have it radiate in me and through me. I pray that my life would be a sweet song offered to the Lord in worship. That the words of my mouth would honor and glorify Him. That my life would be lived as a song of love poignantly revealing the wonder of His grace.
I hope your interest is piqued and you to will wonder what is revealed in and through the Lord's names!Here's the link to get started ...

Please stop by Bloom & Grow tomorrow as I post about our Week 1 Discussion Question: Who is God to You?