Monday, February 22, 2010

Servant's Heart Sunday: Birthday Blessings

RUSTY & RALPH BOWERS Pictures, Images and Photos

Last week we celebrated the birth and life of my eldest daughter. As my husband and I reminisced and recalled fond memories, we marvelled at how quickly our little girl has transformed into a young woman. We rejoiced and celebrated this child that God has entrusted into our care. While we have not been perfect parents, God has. His grace has abounded and has been sufficient, even when my husband and I fell short. She is precious in the Lord's sight and in ours! While we have had some bumps and hiccups as we navigate through these teenage years, I see evidence of our Lord's amazing love and grace as it transforms my daughter into a godly young woman. I was so touched as she made her handmade party invitations requesting that her friends forego bringing a birthday gift and instead consider making a monetary donation to a local mom of 5 (and expecting another baby this summer) who was recently widowed as her young husband died unexpectedly. I am encouraged that my sweet girl chose to use the occasion of her birthday as an opportunity to bless others. My other kiddos have done this as well in previous years. I always leave it up to them. I want it to come from their heart and for them to give sacrificially to the ministry, cause or family that they feel God is directing them to. As followers of Christ we have been blessed with new life that is not simply counted in years or candles on a cake... but is eternal and infinite. My hope is that our family will continue to share God's love and message consistently, each year, each month, each week and each day.

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58

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