Monday, November 8, 2010

Melodic Monday: More Like Falling In Love

"I meet people all the time that are convinced that because of a handicap, or a weakness, or a failure, or something they struggle with ~ any kind of brokenness or imperfection makes people afraid that they can't ever do anything significant for the Kingdom of God... that they are somehow disqualified. I believe that the opposite is true. It is our weaknesses that hyper-qualify us. If you feel like that is you ~ then I would say, expect great things because God's grace flows most freely through the broken places...

I believe God loves to use weak and broken people because He gets the most glory... and also because weak and broken people are uniquely equipped to bring mercy to other broken people." Jason Gray

Howdy to all you Bloom & Grow visitors and happy "Melodic Monday!" I wanted to share the song, "More Like Falling In Love" by Jason Gray. Love the song. Touched by his humble spirit. Inspired by his willingness to be used by God. Jason has struggled with a speech impediment, stuttering, since he was a boy. He says his stammer has turned out to be gift. God called him and he answered, despite his fears and perceived weakness.
There is so much more I would love to say about this song (which he did get some flack for) but I have a sink full, and I do mean full (overflowing would be a more accurate description), of dishes, dogs that need to go out, kids that need tucking in and a lingering cold that has plumb-tuckered me out! While you're listening I will be taking a hot bath, sipping some tea and catching some much needed zzzzzzzzzz... right after the dishes, dogs, and darlings are squared away, that is. ;0) Be blessed!

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