Today we move forward into the New Year. I am looking ahead with hope while also glancing in the rearview mirror at days gone by! In the past few weeks our family has celebrated and remembered the birth of our promised Saviour, visited with extended family, camped out at the hospital with our son and remembered an almost forgotten wedding anniversary in the midst of it all. It was not the Christmas holiday I had planned or envisioned, but it has all been part of our journey. As I recalled the past few weeks, the past year, the past fifteen years since my husband and I said, "I do," I am reminded that walking with the Lord is a journey that sometimes takes me down roads I did not anticipate. Or would have chosen. But He never leaves me or forsakes me. He is with me as I travel the narrow path. Though I stumble often, His Word is a lamp unto my feet. He directs me despite my doubts and feet dragging. As I sought the Lord this Advent and Christmas season, I was reminded of a young woman on an amazing journey that took her from a manger to a cross. She followed the Lord each step of the way, even when the road seemed beyond bearable.
Before our unexpected stay at the hospital, our family had snuggled down with blankets, pjs and pillows as we watched the movie,
The Nativity. As we watched the film, I really began to think about Mary and her journey with the Lord. It made me really wonder about her faith and walk with the Lord. I was reminded how young she was. I was amazed at how readily she submitted to God's will for her life, even though it would probably cause her to be misunderstood, mocked, shunned, possibly even killed. How do you explain being with child even though you are a virgin? How do you convince others that you have been chosen to carry the promised Messiah and deliver him into the world? While it is not uncommon today to see women pregnant outside of marriage, in the world Mary lived in, a woman could be stoned for such things. How did she tell Joseph and her parents? How did she endure the inevitable stares and snickers from those in her village? Did she delight at all times in being chosen to be the mother of God? Or did she momentarily slip into doubt or fear? I marvelled over willingness to go wherever God sent her. To Bethelehem while in her last weeks of pregnancy. On a donkey. No rest stops. No grabbing a bite at a nice restaurant. No hotel. As she made this journey, did she ask God why? Could not the Creator of the Universe and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have smote King Herod? What about the timing? Travel to Bethelem right before she was due to deliver...and in a manger?
And then having to leave her homeland and flee to Egypt in the dark of night to protect the life of the promised King. Did Mary ever doubt? Did she question the Lord? Did she ever cry out and plead? Or did she just quietly take refuge in the Lord and rest in His promises? The Scriptures do not reveal Mary's thoughts during these times. What we do know is that Mary willingly became a handmaiden of the Lord. Even as she struggled to understand in the first moments following Gabriel's announcement ~ all that she was chosen to be and do ~ Mary magnified the Lord. Her spirit rejoiced in God her Saviour! Where God led, she followed.
"And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." Luke 1: 38
"And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in
God my Saviour." Luke 1:46-47
As I continue my walk with the Lord in 2010, my heart's desire is to have the kind of faith that without hesitation readily submits to God and declares let it be according to your word. My hope is that as I follow the Lord on this continuing journey, my soul with magnify the Lord and my spirit will continually rejoice in my Saviour... each step of the way.