Sunday, January 10, 2010

Servant's Heart Sunday: Dear Riley

This week I didn't have to search for a service project for our family or for this blog post, it found me! The homeschooling forum I belong to is always a wonderful potpourri of ideas, thoughts, opinions, requests, resources, recipes, stories, laughs, inspiration and more. This weekend as I tried to catch up and read the accumulating messages in my inbox, I came across Riley's wish. Riley Philpot is 9 year old girl who has been battling a rare form of cancer since she was six. Her cancer has returned and so have the hospital visits. Riley's wish is to have the mailman bring a bag full of get well cards and wishes. As I read a posting from her father regarding her "race" I was so touched by their faith during such trying times. Please join me and my family as we sign, stuff, seal , and stamp as much love and encouragement as possible into letters for Riley. Also, please consider praying with your children for Riley and her family.

Send your "love letters" to:
Riley Philpot
206 Slaney Loop Rd.
Winterville, N.C. 28590

Have fun and be creative! Pour out your love in a drawing, poem, card, collage, or letter and seal it with a kiss! Perhaps you can even include a picture of your family. You could draw a big get well sign or banner and take a picture of your family holding it. I'm sure it will delight Riley to see the smiling faces of those lifting her up in prayer! I know that Riley will be blessed, as will you and your family as you share the love of God with a little girl that is still running the race.
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

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