Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dollars & Sense: Homemade Glass Cleaner

I don't do windows... with expensive cleaning products. Ever notice how expensive cleaning products are? Of course you have! I'm sure you're gasping for air like me... either from the sticker shock, the fumes - or both! They are way overpriced and excessive. I mean do we really need a special cleaner for every housekeeping task? Keeping the house clean is overwhelming enough for me without dozens of different cleaners that clutter my cabinets and empty my wallet! So, over the last couple of years our family has transitioned to making homemade cleaning products to aid us in our chores. I wanted to share several recipes for homemade glass cleaner. These will work great for windows and mirrors. In my opinion, they streak less than the commercial cleaners and are definitely cheaper.

Recipe #1
1 cup rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol
1 cup water
1 tablespoon clear, non-sudsing ammonia

Recipe # 2
1 cup rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol
1 cup water
1 tablespoon white vinegar

Recipe # 3
1 part vinegar
1 part water
1 part rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol

I purchase the large jugs of vinegar and ammonia. I also buy large bottles of the rubbing alcohol sold at the dollar stores. You can purchase all of these very inexpensively. I then place the "ingredients" into a plastic spray bottle (you can also purchase these at a dollar store or in the gardening section of a store like Wal-Mart). I always write the name of the cleaner and the "recipe" directly on the bottle using a permanent marker. Never use these spray bottles for any other purpose. These cleaners are easy, effective and inexpensive. Being a good steward with our resources just became a little easier. Happy housekeeping!

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